Pattern for Dynamic Backup/Restore of Kubernetes Application Data
An alternative approach to have application data dynamically and automatically backed up and restored in Kubernetes.
Decouple CI and CD
Some CI-CD implementation approach CI and CD as part of the same flow. One pattern that I would like to recommend is to separate them. This design can help you design and scale up your CI-CD workflow.
PWA and Mobile Apps: It's All About the Distribution Model
In this entry, I'm trying to clarify what PWA are. I have been hearing a lot of people confused about PWAs and how they relate to mobile apps.
The Non-Agile Aspects of Scrum
Scrum is an interesting methodology. I would like however to discuss some aspects of Scrum that tend make projects non-agile. At the same time I hope I will the challenge the idea that some people have that "agile" necessarily means "Scrum".
Docker is Automation and Documentation
Docker is a lot of things... And it might be different depending on what you do. There are however 2 aspects that I would like to emphasize here: Documentation and Automation
Are you building the right things?
What is usually done while doing agile development is that there is a product backlog containing the users' requests. Then, regularly, the development team picks things to implement from the backlog.
Your builds and deployments should be standardized
In this blog post I would like to discuss about standardized builds and deployments.
3 Pillars of Using Agile Methodologies in Organizations
I would like to introduce what is in my opinion the 3 biggest components of using agile in a company.